Phil’s on a trip with limited access and time so instead of a substack post, I’ve put together what he wrote to the Nazi apologist Michael “The USA caused the Holocaust” Tracey on Twitter. My label, not Phil’s.

1. Consider the Holocaust by Bullets, which you wilfully ignore.
The war in the east had been raging since June 1941. Hitler’s war against the Jews was in full progress from July 1941. Hitler had argued in 1940 that defeating Russia would isolate Britain.

Michael Tracey @mtracey

2. Weeks before the attack on Soviet Russia. Hitler and the SS were issuing killing orders known as the Barbarossa directives. The killing units, the Einsatzgruppen, were raised weeks before the invasion. America had no influence on these preparations.

Go on Michael, give us a lesson about D-Day that we don’t know. I dare you!

Michael Tracey @mtracey

3. The letter. The Heydrich-Göring letter signed on 31 July 1941, initiating the final solution, and it’s direct impact on the everyday killings.
A page from Birds of Prey, in which I focused on the killing actions of German soldiers.

4. Timing. Diary entries of the trips to killing sites by a senior SS officer - July-November 1941. Check the towns to the dead lists of Einsatzgruppen B killing operations. This first phase of the Holocaust by Bullets and again months before America entered the war.

5. The Killings. The Jew communities of Narewka and Bialowieza, in Poland, was completed by 15 August 1941. The killings started within hours of the Heydrich-Göring letter. The grave pits were dug by the victims, all male Jews, and is today memorialised.

6. The war. A Soviet counter-attack initiated on 5 December 1941 rapidly rolled up German forces. Hitler declared war on USA - 11 December. 18 December Himmler met Hitler to agree partisans alongside Jews (red sections), with a page from Himmler’s Dienstkalender to confirm.

7. Japan. Dial back from the 18 December meeting. Look at the Hitler-Himmler contact 7-11 December. No indications that Hitler was giving instructions to Himmler as the architect of extermination. Hitler did discuss Japan’s actions with Himmler on the evening of 7 December.

8. The diary and Hitler. Between 7-11 December there were no known discussion and Hitler‘s decision to declare was not entered into Himmler‘s diary.

9. Summary. If the Holocaust by Bullets had been in progress since June-July 1941, with upwards of 1 million victims, can you still honestly believe Hitler‘s blame games in December 1941?

10. Your case for claiming that America was instrumental in the Holocaust is wholly unconvincing. Hitler and his cronies did not fear America, were not in the least bit concerned about going to war with yet another country, and would continue genocide to the last days of the war.

Yes Michael the Nazis used Slavs as slave labour, but that’s not your get out jail card for your Holocaust gobbledygook.

Michael Tracey @mtracey

Go on Michael, give us a lesson about D-Day that we don’t know. I dare you!

Michael Tracey @mtracey
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