This week has brought new lows to the political and military analyst community.
First off we have Russia watchers shamelessly and stupidly promoting Russian narratives.
At the beginning of this week war criminal liar terrorist fascist Girkin (convicted NOT alleged) was running with his rodina under attack narrative.
I now believe Girkin is just a front for the Kremlin, running a fake opposition narrative. This is such an old communist tactic that it’s not even funny that people fall for it. Girkin is advocating total genocidal war. Not just the genocidal war that Putin is running. Our book Putin’s War - Russian Genocide is soon to be published by the way.
Dmitri constantly quotes this liar fascist fake giving him air time and credibility.
This is all working towards a May 9th Victory Day speech by Putin promising total war.
Last year Phil Blood was saying June 22 aka Barbarossa day would be a target for a significant event for Putin. That didn’t come true, I (via Phil) think Putin was counting on victory in Kyiv or Donbass by May 9th or June 22 at least but that didn’t happen. I thought May 9th was a better date for Putin but that didn’t happen last year.
This year though, it’s a zero cost to Putin to use May 9th or June 22nd as a ‘Crush the Nazis day.’ without a victory under the belt. I think he’s going for the Sportspalast speech claiming rodina under attack. Spoiler, that speech appears in our book and I wrote that fragment a long time ago.
Girkin and his Nazi friends are setting up the narrative for those Russians who don’t trust Putin and think they’re free thinkers but are as deluded as the anti-vax and QANON truthers andfree speech for fascists crowd I was arguing with last week (genocide apologists as well).
On absolute cue we then have the completely fake drone ‘attack’ on the Kremlin.
The video is a fake or at best the Russians staged this. BTW Putin doesn’t sleep at the Kremlin. Especially at its dome. Come on people. This is ridiculous.
Igor Sushko is a lying grifter fantastist who is close to or has committed fraud with his pseudo-charity grifting (he had support Ukraine signs on his website for his grifts).
Meanwhile Osintdefender presents gossip nuclear clickbait BS as analysis.
And to rub salt into the wound, Wavell Room quotes Trent Telenko, MAGA Stop the Steal nuclear genocide racist.
Telenko has been sanitising his account and social media presence but I have receipts. Here is a taster. The archive is of the Wind of Change domain, a hangout where Trent posted his MAGA Nazi content, which is surprisingly identical to the fake agent name that Sushko (who ever he is) pretends to.
If you try and look for Telenko in the EU you get a Google deleted content due to request info but like I said I have receipts. is the archive for Trent’s nuttery. Good luck finding it through Google though. In it you will discover he is also a virus expert. This man goes from grift to grift.
He’s a war with Iran hawk because of course he is.
And completely wrong about Afghanistan as well as Iraq’s civil war.
Hates Obama etc.
Well done Wavell. You regularly produce nonsense about Russia including its Armata tank (it doesn’t exist, even in prototype. Did I mention that its supposed to use an engine designed for the Tiger tank, stolen by the Russians?)
That’s enough.
I notice I lose followers and subscribers when I don’t mindlessly repeat tired worthless narratives or cheerlead, hurrah 10:1 kill counts, wow, 10:1 wow.
PS Russia is engaged in genocide war. I wrote an upcoming book on it.
PPS Wavell Room, this what Trent has been desperately scrubbing from the net.
On cue Prigozhin starts making noises about May 10th.
Sasho is a friend so he’s not getting slammed here.
ISW joins the stampede.
Here are the receipts for grifter Igor Sushko who regularly scrubs his web presence. Here’s a pdf of the current page.
He doesn’t provide any links to donate to Ukraine. He doesn’t say any donations will be made via his grift arm band. But implies it.
Update 18 December 2024
Since the MAGA grifter is now on Bluesky, here are some more archival links:
And Trent, I have the pdfs.
Also I have this and we can see the scrubbing of content.
I see Trent in some of WW2TV chat. I checked out his Twitter page and decided not to follow, seemed a bit more right wing-ish, but not overtly I thought. Anyone that thinks the 2020 election was stolen, I dunno. Out there. And COVID a blood disease? No. Thanks Dustin.
I see it now. Ok, written in 2015. Interesting he is ragging on France. I wonder if it was his wish for us in the US. The ex-president must have been his cup of tea. One of the first things ex did was ban all Muslims from certain countries. The ex becomes more delusional every day and his followers worship him as much as ever.