In news - we will drop a new podcast this week!
Subjects might include Putin, Stauffenberg and other thrilling and not depressing subjects.
VIP subscribers are invited to ask a short question via email or in the comments.
A fine podcast episode on Ukraine I enjoyed.
If you only want to click on one thing this week, click on this
Soldiers at the front
Maybe they lack weapons… whose fault is that. I know, we’ve talked about it.
An overview of Soviet and Russian core weaponry
The Russian Navy Sucks
TL:DR They build expensive ships, then don’t maintain them. Admirals steal everything and are drunk. Face-saving kills sailors.
Frank Dux sucks less than John Spencer, the man who ‘saved Ukraine’
Dux’s stolen valor is less offensive.
Mad Max in South America - War Rigs
Step one - have complete air supremacy
And it was tanks that won the war, not planes.
American intelligence incompetence
I’m still reading
American incompetence, hubris and arrogance (see John Spencer)
Pakistani duplicity and rabid intelligence service insanity trying to cook a steak of a friendly Afghanistan by throwing a million ingredients into a pot and ending up with domestic insurgency
Karzai and pals corruption, incompetence, and rentiering
Our book is still out
Phil has a new book coming out soon
and a final thank you: