While Trump says fuck NATO and Putin justifies genocide via fairy tales from the 10th century, the NYT decides the real problem is Biden’s memory. Not mentioning Trump mixing up his last remaining opponent with Pelosi.
Did I mention Putin?
Other crazy people
I don’t listen to celebrity podcasts
Great nickname for your commander
On a serious note
And on a lighter note
Zork the Conspiracy Theory
Zorky baby, that’s not how you use quotation marks unless you quoting somebody when writing ‘unhinged remarks’.
Let me say that unrespectfully, you’re indulging in conspiracy theories. Unhinged, indeed.
I’ve never read Greg Olear, thanks for passing him on. The ex-president Mussolini wanna be is daily more unhinged. One person can be unhinged, but the gamut of people that support him? Sort of like mass psychosis. What do you think Dustin? How to push back?