2002, George Bush visiting Putin. Evgeny Prigozhin (founder of PMC Wagner) — waiter at the event. Huge career growth given that he was previously tried for banditry and venereal disease.
Modern Russia is a country of opportunity....for murderers, bandits, embezzlers and rapists.

Prigozhin looked the same age twenty years ago. As scummy and tawdry evil back then as now. But Putin always held his chair funny.
Look at his death grip. And his totally not photoshopped or video distorted face.
Did he have cancer and Parkinson’s twenty years ago?
Come on people. He’s old and sick. But stop the furniturology.

After input from a fella, these pictures seem to confirm both the rumors of Putin’s Parkinson’s, gripping the chair to prevent shaking.
As well as his cancer diagnosis, whatever it is. The hyperpigmentation on his face is a symptom of chemo & the steroids explain his moon face.

This is what #Putin looks like now - not a well man, this version of him. Video from Ria Novosti from the meeting with @DiazCanelB on Tuesday. He should go to Cuba for some sun. NB @JuliaDavisNews
Update 28 September 2023