Blue tick shields drunk genocidal ambassador
Update: 19 August and 1 September to replace video and tweet
I submitted my piece “Russian embassy demands war crimes, Twitter doesn’t mind” to two ‘proper’ journals before posting it here. It was written during some nasty personal circumstances and I still have trouble reading it. But I’m glad I wrote it.
Because I F******* TOLD YOU SO.
I knew there would be consequences for Twitter’s nonchalant and overly tolerant attitude towards Russian institutions that only use Twitter to spread abuse and lies.
So within a week of rejection and my setting up Substack we get this:
Ulyanov deleted the post pretty quickly but everybody saw it.
Russia is genocidal.
As Dr Garner notes the ambassador may have been drunk. But the Romans and others had a saying, in vino veritas. You blurt out what you think while drunk.
Twitter, this is much worse than Trump or January 6th. Ban or moderate all Russian entities, especially their ‘diplomats’.
Russia doesn’t have diplomats, it has legalized spies. My upcoming book contains a quote from Victor Suvorov (Rezun) - also a legalized spy. Who despite being a ‘diplomat’, a soldier and an extremely intelligent and educated man didn’t know the content of the Geneva Conventions because they USSR had them in contempt. My son’s grandfather was actually the Polish ambassador in Vienna (and Berlin), never saw him drunk or shitposting. Just reading Foreign Policy and drinking half a glass of wine. Vienna is one of the most important diplomatic postings in the world because of the legion of international institutions there. The Russian Embassy there is a spy hotbed. Also covered by Suvorov. The Soviets were more competent, strangely enough and a Soviet ambassador would have probably been sent back to Russia a long time ago for this sort of behavior. Then again Russia has become a troll farm so maybe Ulyanov will just get medal.
As does the Russian Federation. My book, with Dr Blood (another poster here, who joined this substack last week along with Ben Skipper) and Professor Bellamy (Absolute War), will contain a guide to how Russia doesn’t seem to train its soldiers in IHL.
Ambassador Ulyanov has famously (drunkenly) engaged with the ‘CIA teenager paedophiles’ of #NAFO aka shitposting adults with families, who troll Russians both on the internet and by donating money towards lethal and non-lethal aid to Ukraine. The #Fellas.

I’m not a fan of TVP but why not post this - it includes the Ulyanov!
This video from the Fellas is much better though:

(Tweet seems to have been deleted! See other)
Support Ukraine via the Fellas! Purchases go to Ukrainian charitable causes! Its better than supporting Amnesty ‘Ukrainian War Crimes’ International (until they apologize and change),

Another notorious shitposter is a parody of the sexually disturbing Armchair Warlord, a middle aged man who writes a genre of ‘romantic’ fantasy fiction and tries to rararararararara Russian military might - despite being an US Army reserves officer. Another man with disturbing views made popular like Trent Telenko.
For more on waifu Armchair Warlord, have a listen to the excellent Lazerpig, who often posts while drunk but doesn’t promise genocide or make a fool of himself:
Going back to the genocidal ambassador, here are some closing remarks.

And some class from a man who helped fight the Russians (rebranded as Soviets) in Afghanistan.

Twitter, you have blood on your hands. Social media is a component of genocide in the 21st century. You are responsible for not combatting it despite being warned. Of course you don’t care what I post but others have warned you (Important The Conversation piece), as they did with Trump.

At Nuremberg, the Soviet judge Nikitchenko dissented against the acquittal of Hans Fritzsche, the mouth of the Reich: “Propaganda was invariably a factor in preparing and conducting acts of aggression”. It still is in Ukraine. See my article.

PS Is ‘I have Ukrainian family’ the Russian equivalent of the bullshit ‘some of my best friends are black’ from American crypto-racists?


He’s a pathetic drunken shell of a man.
Complaining of being bullied.
The ambassador of proud genocidal rodina is being cyberbullied. Pathetic drunk.
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