I’ve promoted this podcast before but sorry, this episode is terrible.
Long before Pearl Harbor the US had already lost 243 mariners at sea. German UBoats came close enough to NY harbor to sink US merchant ships just by looking for their dark silhouettes against the lights of the city. American bodies washed back to American shores as if they had just gotten stuck in the riptide. The lucky ones were dead on impact. But Some of the U-boats surfaced, collected the survivors and brought them below decks for interrogation before being flung back to sea, shivering aboard a hopeless liferaft. The few US survivors described something odd about the ships: they were loaded with American goods, stuffed to the rafters like the backroom of a mafia hangout.
And the strangest mystery of all that would set this whole story in motion and perplexed Naval intelligence: the Nazi UBoats had freshly baked American sliced bread. The US government thought there was only one man that could help figured things out. Problem was, he was locked up in prison in New York on the usual mafia racketeering charges.
Everything here is nonsense and I decided to write this up because its fake history.
Okay. Let’s start witht this:
Long before Pearl Harbor the US had already lost 243 mariners at sea. German UBoats came close enough to NY harbor to sink US merchant ships just by looking for their dark silhouettes against the lights of the city.
No, the U-Boats didn’t come close to New York Harbor before Pearl Harbor.
There' was an exclusion zone.
The Pan-American Security Zone - 300-1000 miles from the coast of the Americas where the US Navy, which was one of the most powerful in the world at the time, would attack U-Boats.
Any U-Boat of the coast of NY would be a very good excuse for Roosevelt to declare war, without Pearl Harbor.
The US Navy even provided convoy services from early 1941, to the edges of the zone.
No U-Boat attacks occured off the coast of NY before Pearl Harbor.
I’m not going to prove that they didn’t happen, because there is no evidence they did.
Shooting at the silhouettes lit up by the lights of NY did occur. After Pearl Harbor. So a basic mistake. Bodies washed up. After Pearl Harbor. The author of this nonsense takes events from the time after Pearl Harbor and introduces them into the time before. The major issue with lights was ships using navigation lights, not the lights of the Atlantic boardwalk.
There were no attacks before Pearl Harbor around NY.
The host cites American ships being attacked before Pearl Harbor in reply to this comment. Sure. Not around NY.
The few US survivors described something odd about the ships: they were loaded with American goods, stuffed to the rafters like the backroom of a mafia hangout.
There’s no record of this. Except for events in WW1 where U-Boats would capture seamen before destroying their ships. Not something that happened much in WW2. Imagine the outrage if US sailors had been captured before Pearl Harbor, interrogated and then let loose on the sea. The Germans would have been more likely to kill them to cover up the incident. This did not happen. Again I’m not providing proof it didn’t happen, there is no proof it did.
So backroom of a mafia hangout, bullshit.
And there was no fucking room on an U-Boat for captured sailors or for a mafai hangout. There was a capture of sailors by an U-Boat. They were kept on the foredeck, i.e. outside the U-Boat. No space.
And the strangest mystery of all that would set this whole story in motion and perplexed Naval intelligence: the Nazi UBoats had freshly baked American sliced bread.
Navy Intelligence never reported such a thing. Again no evidence. And there was no freshly baked sliced bread on U-Boats except from Milchkuh. Special supply U-Boats loaded with torpedoes, fuel, food, sausage and bakery ovens.
Which the US didn’t know about in the early part of the war.
So being good WASP racists, they decided the U-Boats operating AFTER Pearl Harbor, were being supplied from Uncle Salvatore’s Diesel Stop And Deli. This is the peak period of racism against dirty foreigners. Japanese and Italian. German not so much because Germans are good white people, unlike those filthy Japanese and Italian.
So this podcast is presenting racist rumors about Italians as fact.
Being good racists, the white boys in the Office of Naval Intelligence decided to find a person of the right race, an Italian, to help them with their prejudiced nonsense and maybe find Italian fascist saboteurs, traitors and spies. Including Uncle Salvatore’s fishing boat U-Boat supply deli.
This report makes it clear that the US was concered with submarines AFTER Pearl Harbor. The podcast guest maybe thinks ‘early months of WW2’ means 1939 but it doesn’t (p. 11, p. 24 and every page that refers to 1942, not 1939-1941). WW2 starts with Pearl Harbor for these Americans.
The report stinks of racism and prejudice. Rumors of sabotage. Italian fascists. Fishing fleets suspected as source of fuel.
No evidence of any treachery or sabotage by Italians as insinuated or suspecte. Evidence. Zero. WASPs being racists and the podcast reporting the racist insinuations as fact.
The guest natters nonsense about the SS Normandie, insinuating the ship was sabotaged by Italian fascist Nazi aliens. The Normandie was a fine ship with an innovative turbo-electric drive system. Which didn’t allow it to go sideways despite what he thinks. The ship was clearly burnt down as a result of an accident and massive incompetence by the harbor authorities.
As for wiseguys claiming they burnt it down, I’m going to take the congressional report on the subject over the word of Anthony Anastasio. Congress might be liars but the absolute world kings of lying are wise-guys. And would Anastasio risk death by sabotaging a ship during war-time (again this occurred after Pearl Harbor)? The authorities would pursue murders of other wise-guys and associates much less vigorously than sabotage. I can bet that Lady Gaga’s DJ didn’t pull up this record and this and I won’t go further though I would if I was writing a book alleging Lucky Liar Luciano or friends was involved in the sinking.
And to be honest, that’s enough time spent on racist nonsense and innuendo being regurgitated in 2023. There’s no evidence that Italians fuelled U-boats, supplied them with bread and this sounds more like the film 1941 than history.
Thx to Boney/ Jefferies for that comment about 1941.
Lucky Luciano was a murderous sociopath who built the mob into a terror organisation that poisioned American life for decades.
He might have saved some Allied lives with his gangsters beating up potential strikers at NY harbor. He might have helped with Operation Husky.
He did not win the war or affect the Battle of the Atlantic against U-boats.