Goin' down, goin' down, goin' down, goin' down
Goin' down, goin' down, goin' down, goin' down
Livin' on phat pockets on flat wit tha gat
Rollin' around nine deuce Cadillac
Still got my homies to watch my back
And they'll smoke ya ass if ya wanna come chat
The predictable avalanche of people who don’t know when to stop or that they have no idea what’s actually going on (Phil Blood and I just made fun of a very dark and dangerous situation because we really couldn’t pretend to have the knowledge that we didn’t have).
Mike “Ukraine doesn’t need artillery” Martin
Captain obvious strikes.
I’m going to quote somebody who quotes me while we make sh** up.
Well actually I was right when I said something the opposite.
FFS, Prigozhin isn’t Admiral Leahy.
Go analyze some tires.
Good news the war is over though, the Tire Oracle has spoken.
This dude got it right.
This post was shamelessly stolen from an original thread by Dr Matt “Herring and Beer” Ford.
Buy his book Radical War.
The artillery tweet.
Hot take asshat goes to:
Stephen Kotkin in Foreign Affairs.
Prigozhin is improvising. Maybe he’s stopped the progress toward Moscow, but now what? Back to base camps, he says. OK: but he’s still in charge. You say coup, I say putsch. You say tomato, I say tomahto: let’s call the whole thing off—but just for now.
Prigozhin the intellectual. Kotkin, his Russian is vulgar and pseudo-intellectual. His mother runs a gallery using money her thief son stole.
Prigozhin might seem to be an unlikely contender. But in some ways his background is more suitable to the moment than Putin’s. Both are from St. Petersburg, but Prigozhin, despite serving time, is from the intelligentsia. His mother is an artist; she runs a gallery in London. He speaks better Russian than Putin. In terms of social class, he’s actually a level above Putin. And Prigozhin’s artistic side is visible in his videos. He cannot count (his math is terrible, another revelation of his videos). But look at his pithy and pointed vocabulary, his cadences, his ability to assume the role of tough guy, heart-on-the-sleeve Russian patriot, the truth teller who calls out the opportunists, the morons, and the thieves Putin has appointed.
Asshat talks about a tv production company running Ukraine twice.
I look at that Ukrainian TV production company running this war, I look at the production of the January 6 hearings here in the United States—Liz Cheney’s hearings were run by a TV producer, with powerful effect—and I think, “This is how you do national security most effectively now: with smartphones, videos, memes.”
This is just a stream of made up bullshi* without evidence.
Anybody who works in Vienna in an ‘Eastern Europe’ institute is going to be terrible at all the ‘Eastern Europe’ business. Its a hotbed of Russian influence, Germanic Ostnonsense and thinktank nonsense.
This is even more paranoid gibberish on the level of a Moscow taxi driver but with less evidence.
The people I follow on Substack for Ukraine information are you guys, Tim Mak, Tim Snyder, and Malcolm Nance. Malcolm was on a Twitter Spaces and said, let it settle out for 24 - 48 hours, and he was right. Do you all listen to any of the Ukraine Twitter Spaces? I listen when there is something happening like yesterday. I know a few people like Nance, but all seem to be random people.