I’m trying to get my mates to do a roundup so this was delayed and is truncated :)
Starting the year with Nazis
Yes, it is a damn scary film
No it’s not genocide. And the IDF and Israelis aren’t Nazis
There’s incitement to genocide on both sides. But the people in charge aren’t waging genocide war. Well maybe in Hamas’ case they are but they won’t succeed, even in part - though October 7 could be called a genocidal attack outside of any military context. There’s a difference between breaking the laws of war (Gaza bombing) with indiscriminate warfare and genocide. I tried to cover the distinction in our book. Putin is in charge and his intent is 100% clear.
(even if the current warrant is for crimes against humanity, the description is genocide kidnapping of children)
Incitement to genocide is not the same as genocide, though it often leads to it and is an international crime.
Read Eugene Finkel’s coherent thread on the subject.
Book of the week
Any book banned by Nazis can’t be all bad. I wrote in 2022 about how this book was made into a film with a Nazi argument.
Anyway, my son is reading this book and I hope it permanently turns him into an anti-fascist, while the director of this film definitely made anti-anti-fascist nonsense.
Speaking of books…
Our book is finally available..!
Link to Amazon.com in the image.
I've seen it. Wolyn is much scarier. The checkist is scarier. The Serpent's egg is scarier.
The Nazis concentrated 400,000.+ Jews into the Warsaw Ghetto. There, they let starvation and disease kill @ 100,000.
The IDF has concentrated almost 2 million into an area without adequate food, water, shelter and medical care. They are letting them die there without mitigation or remorse.