I've seen it. Wolyn is much scarier. The checkist is scarier. The Serpent's egg is scarier.

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The Nazis concentrated 400,000.+ Jews into the Warsaw Ghetto. There, they let starvation and disease kill @ 100,000.

The IDF has concentrated almost 2 million into an area without adequate food, water, shelter and medical care. They are letting them die there without mitigation or remorse.

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Gaza did not look like or function like a Nazi ghetto.

Gaza specifically does not look like the Warsaw Ghetto, which was adjacent to a building I was in yesterday.

Gaza does not look like the Warsaw Ghetto after its liquidation. More like Warsaw during its Uprising - heavily damaged buildings, not flattened to zero.

Gazans are not being packed onto death trains or shot in the streets.

Gazans with their shirts off in a truck do not look like Jews being shot naked in a trench.

Gaza before this war was not a place of starvation, disease and death on the streets - unlike the Warsaw Ghetto, I commented yesterday on Bluesky on Jews selling their meager belongings on the court buildings steps. Gaza was definitely a much better place to live than Warsaw, not the Warsaw Ghetto. Not 10 Jews a room at 169 calories a day. Living death.

Now we can talk crimes against humanity and atrocities in Gaza. Not genocide. Unless you can strongly prove the war cabinet (see Finkel's thread), not the morons suggesting ethnic cleansing (incitement to genocide) are engaged in genocide, which is the crime of crimes. Maybe 10% of the 450.000 Jews in the Ghetto survived.

And comparing Jews to Nazis without the strongest of proof is just thing to do. As bad as saying Hamas is worse than the Nazis. Anti-semites cackle at doing both because it diminishes Nazi crimes.

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