Putin - Gray KGB motivator and Goebbels - Goblin genius
Worse than watching All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)
I don’t know if you use Facebook any more. I do for reasons. All the ads seem to be people half my age selling courses on how to sell courses. Coaching you how to coach. Its ridiculous. Their videos are terrible. They all stink of Andrew Tate grifter nonsense.
Each one of those grifters is a better writer and orator than Vlad the Mad.
He is atrocious.
I thought he would give us a Sportspalast speech and in his way he did. The difference is Goebbels said and demanded that Germans would have to sacrifice because the Jews while Putin bribed his citizens because the Kyiv and Western Jews.
The thing is, the evil goblin of genocide Goebbels was a fantastic orator and speaker. Better than Hitler even. The little touches and flourishes Goebbels make will affect you even if you don’t speak German (I barely understand kebab store German, let alone the full Nazi dialect which seems to be a bizarre mixture of beerhall rant, front soldier slogans and Hegel).
Full video here.
Putin however is a relentlessly boring apparatchik who writes and speaks like the KGB thug he is.
He is bad.
Here are fragments from the Putin transcript. I also have the transcript of Goebbels here. I have organised by themes to show how they align almost 1:1 on themes and nonsense:
I’ll tell you what hard times are, baby. Intro.
Putin - “Dear members of State Duma, Senators, dear Citizens of Russian Federation, in today’s address, I’m giving this state address in a very difficult context, in a very difficult time. There are cardinal major changes in the world. There are historic changes that determine the future of our country and our people. Every one of us has a great responsibility. About a year ago in order to protect our people on our historic land, in order to ensure security, in order to liquidate the threat that appeared from the Kyiv regime.”
Goebbels - “In the midst of the hard misfortunes the nation faced in the battle on the Volga, we gathered together in a mass meeting on the 30th of January to display our unity, our unanimity and our strong will to overcome the difficulties we faced in the fourth year of the war.”
We are the good guys who wanted peace and are protecting the world.
Putin - “You know this very well, that we did everything possible. Indeed, everything possible in order to resolve this problem in a peaceful way. We were patient in our negotiations to come out of this horrible conflict. However, behind our backs, a completely different scenario was being prepared. The assurances from the Western leaders to ensure peace in Donbas turned out to be a lie… We have been insisting on protecting our own interests and also that protecting the position that there should not be a situation in the world where there are civilized countries in the rest of the world. We were very open and we were sincerely open for a dialogue with the West, and we were insisting on Europe and the rest of the world to have an equal system of defense and ecosystem of security. We were proposing to our partners this idea, and in response we were getting dishonest answers.”
Goebbels - “Eastern Bolshevism is not only a doctrine of terrorism, it is also the practice of terrorism. It strives for its goals with an infernal thoroughness, using every resource at its disposal, regardless of the welfare, prosperity or peace of the peoples it ruthlessly oppresses. What would England and America do if, in the worst case, Europe fell into Bolshevism’s arms? Will London perhaps persuade Bolshevism to stop at the English Channel? I have already said that Bolshevism has its foreign legions in the form of communist parties in every democratic nation.”
It’s a conspiracy by the Jews to attack us
Putin - “And this repulsive lie and their behavior, two-face behavior was seen in Yugoslavia, in Iraq, Syria, and they will not be able to wash away that shame ever of centuries of colonialism and dictatorship… We have been insisting on protecting our own interests and also that protecting the position that there should not be a situation in the world where there are civilized countries in the rest of the world. We were very open and we were sincerely open for a dialogue with the West, and we were insisting on Europe and the rest of the world to have an equal system of defense and ecosystem of security. We were proposing to our partners this idea, and in response we were getting dishonest answers… Those who planned a new attack on Donetsk, on Donbas, on Lugansk, they clearly understood that the next objective is strike against Sevastopol and Crimea. We understood this and they are again in Kyiv talking directly about their plans. And we knew that already. We protect people and protect their homes. And the objectives of the West is infinite power... And they’re trying to delete this from the memory of people. They’re trying to pretend this did not happen, but nobody forgot that. The people’s tragedy is not important to them. And they’re betting trillions, trillions of dollars, and they are trying to continue robbing everyone else and they’re covering themselves with words of democracy and values. They are trying to label other countries and publicly insult them. And they’re creating that image of enemy within their own countries in order to divert attention from corruption scandals within their own countries. They are diverting attention from the growing social economic problems.”
Goebbels - “My third thesis is that the danger is immediate. The paralysis of the Western European democracies before their deadliest threat is frightening. International Jewry is doing all it can to encourage such paralysis… This explains, by the way, our consistent Jewish policies. We see Jewry as a direct threat to every nation. We do not care what other peoples do about the danger. What we do to defend ourselves is our own business, however, and we will not tolerate objections from others. Jewry is a contagious infection. Enemy nations may raise hypocritical protests against our measures against Jewry and cry crocodile tears, but that will not stop us from doing that which is necessary… Behind the oncoming Soviet divisions we see the Jewish liquidation commandos, and behind them terror, the specter of mass starvation and complete anarchy. International Jewry is the devilish ferment of decomposition that finds cynical satisfaction in plunging the world into the deepest chaos and destroying ancient cultures that it played no role in building… International Jewry’s attempt to plunge the European continent into chaos, and to warn that Jewry has in Bolshevism a terroristic military power whose danger cannot be overestimated…That is a direct threat to the existence of every European power. No one should believe that Bolshevism would stop at the borders of the Reich, were it to be victorious.”
We aren’t the terrorists, they’re the terrorists.
Putin - “They were just dragging time and they were trying to close their eyes to the political killings and repressions of the Kyiv regime and abuse of religion and terrorist acts in Donbas…. They want to use everyone, terrorist, Nazis, even devil himself, to use it as weapon against Russia. The project anti-Russia is a revolutionist policy against our country… They are attempting terrorist attacks that are aimed at destabilizing our society… The west has got the objective to finish with Russia as a powerful player in the east, and they were trying to finance the terrorist and they were trying to contain our growth expansion, and the large Russian business was responsible for strategic factories where thousands of people used to work, which were determining economic situation in certain regions, which means that the management and the owners of these businesses are dependent on western powers who are hostile to our situation, and this is not a tolerable situation.”
Goebbels - “The German people, in any event, is unwilling to bow to this danger. Behind the oncoming Soviet divisions we see the Jewish liquidation commandos, and behind them terror, the specter of mass starvation and complete anarchy. International Jewry is the devilish ferment of decomposition that finds cynical satisfaction in plunging the world into the deepest chaos and destroying ancient cultures that it played no role in building…. That was too stupid even then to be worth refuting. Eastern Bolshevism is not only a doctrine of terrorism, it is also the practice of terrorism. It strives for its goals with an infernal thoroughness, using every resource at its disposal, regardless of the welfare, prosperity or peace of the peoples it ruthlessly oppresses… We National Socialists have the duty to sound the alarm against International Jewry’s attempt to plunge the European continent into chaos, and to warn that Jewry has in Bolshevism a terroristic military power whose danger cannot be overestimated… Terrorist Jewry had 200 million people to serve it in Russia. It cynically used its methods on to create out of the stolid toughness of the Russian people a grave danger for the civilized nations of Europe. A whole nation in the East was driven to battle. Men, women, and even children are employed not only in armaments factories, but in the war itself. 200 million live under the terror of the GPU, partially captives of a devilish viewpoint, partially of absolute stupidity... We National Socialists have the duty to sound the alarm against International Jewry’s attempt to plunge the European continent into chaos, and to warn that Jewry has in Bolshevism a terroristic military power whose danger cannot be overestimated.”
Its us or them.
Putin - “The project anti-Russia is a revolutionist policy against our country. The elites of the West are not hiding their goals. They are, as they say, trying to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. What does that mean to us? That means they want to end with Russia.”
Goebbels - “Clearly, the nearer Stalin and the other Soviet leaders believe they are to realizing their world-destroying objectives, the more they attempt to hide and conceal them… I do not need to say what that would mean for the German people. A Bolshevization of the Reich would mean the liquidation of our entire intelligentsia and leadership, and the descent of our workers into Bolshevist-Jewish slavery. Jewry once again reveals itself as the incarnation of evil, as the plastic demon of decay and the bearer of an international culture-destroying chaos.”
Family values and social support. For the children.
Putin - “Look at what they’ve done to their own people. They’re destroying family, national identity, they are abusing their children. Even pedophilia is announced as a normal thing in the West. And they’re recognizing same sex marriages. That’s fine that they’re adults. They’ve got the right to live their life. And we always, we’re very tolerant about this in Russian. Nobody is trying to enter private lives of people, and we’re not going to do this. However, we need to tell them, but look at the scriptures of any religion in the world. Everything is said in there. And one of the things is that family is a union of a man and a woman. The family of every member of the special military operation needs to be surrounded with care and attention and we need to respond to their needs very, very quickly. Every family, I emphasize, every family of a fallen soldier and every veteran of the action has to have a personal contact in this fund who will, in real time, deal with current issues. I’d like to point out that the structure of this fund has to be deployed by the end of this year. We already have measures of supporting the veterans of the great patriotic war and the veterans of other local conflicts. And we need to work on this and improve this... It is for this, for our ancestors, for the future of our children and grandchildren in order to restore historic justice. I would like to bow down to relatives and wives and parents and wives and families and doctors and instructors, nurses who are saving the wounded.”
Goebbels - “We know that the German people are defending their holiest possessions: their families, women and children, the beautiful and untouched countryside, their cities and villages, their two thousand year old culture, everything indeed that makes life worth living… It is also time to ask women with household help if they really need it. One can take care of the house and children oneself, freeing the servant for other tasks, or leave the house and children in care of the servant or the NSV, and go to work oneself. Life may not be as pleasant as it is during peace. But we are not at peace, we are at war. We can be comfortable after we have won the war. Now we must sacrifice our comforts to gain victory… Soldiers’ wives surely understand this. They know it is their duty to their husbands to support them by doing work that is important to the war effort. That is true above all in agriculture. The wives of farmers must set a good example. Both men and women must be sure that no one does less during war than they did in peace; more work must instead be done in every area.”
At this point I’m crying.
Putin - “And also provide these services without any bureaucracy through a one window system.”
Goebbels - “Government offices will work faster and less bureaucratically. It does not leave a good impression when the office closes on the dot after eight hours. The people are not there for the offices, the offices are there for the people.”
The teachers and the office workers.
Putin - “I would like to thank teachers who are sincerely taking care of the new generation of Russians, especially those who are working in very difficult conditions near to the frontline, all the cultural figures who come to the frontline, who come to the hospitals to support them, to journalists. First of all, military journalists who are risking their lives in order to tell the truth to the whole world have representatives of traditional religions who are supporting the military entrepreneurs, government officials, everyone who is fulfilling their national and human duty.”
Goebbels - “Behind them are party officials, soldiers from the fighting army, doctors, scientists, artists, engineers and architects, teachers, officials and employees from offices, proud representatives of every area of our intellectual life that even in the midst of war produce miracles of human genius. Throughout the Sportpalast I see thousands of German women. The youth is here, as are the aged. No class, no occupation, no age remained uninvited.”
Putin - “Dear colleagues, we have an approved plan of creation of a military force for the 2023, 2025, and we are working on it and correcting it as we go. And I’d like to emphasize the further steps on strengthening our navy and army. We have to rely in these steps, on our real military experience. This is extremely important. This is invaluable. For example, the level supply and readiness of our nuclear military forces is in the region of 91%. Taking into account the experience that we received, we have to achieve that level of supply for all other areas of army and navy. Offices and sergeants who demonstrates on themselves to be decisive and clever and brave, they should be forwarded to the military academies and they should become a very powerful training reserve. And they have to become people in demand, both in the military and in the civil sector. We need to understand that we need to value their contribution to the defense of our motherland.”
Goebbels - “Eighth, I ask you: Do you, especially you women, want the government to do all it can to encourage German women to put their full strength at work to support the war effort, and to release men for the front whenever possible, thereby helping the men at the front? The Führer has given him the great task of mobilizing the German armaments industry and supplying the front with all the weapons it needs. Party comrade Dr. Ley sits next to me. The Führer has charged him with the leadership of the German work force, with schooling and training them in untiring work for the war effort. We feel deeply indebted to our party comrade Sauckel, who has been charged by the Führer to bring hundreds of thousands of workers to the Reich to support our national economy, something the enemy cannot do. All the leaders of the party, the army, and government join with us as well.”
Reich and motherland.
Both speeches use the word motherland (Rus Nazi, rodina) or Reich (Nazi Nazi) 9 times.
Putin - “Were not going to hunt those who betrayed the motherland. Let them live with this… Everyone understands the connection of their personal life to the life of their motherland… You yourselves determined your future. You made your choice despite the threats of terror the Nazis, even though next to you there were military actions taking place and you made the choice to be together with Russia, to be together with your motherland. We have started and we will continue to grow… We need to understand that we need to value their contribution to the defense of our motherland… But there is another choice to be with your motherland, to work for the benefit of your compatriots… These are the people who are prepared to give their life for their motherland… On the dedication to our unity, to our motherland, that unity has been demonstrated since the first days of the special military operation… And now, shoulder to shoulder, we have fighters from all parts of Russia, and their prayers are in different languages but all of them are fighting for truth and for the motherland.”
Goebbels - “Waiting any longer could easily have led to the destruction of the Reich and a total Bolshevization of the European continent… This is a threat to the Reich and to the European continent that casts all previous dangers into the shadows…Were the German army not in a position to break the danger from the East, the Reich would fall to Bolshevism, and all Europe shortly afterwards… They want to bring chaos to the Reich and Europe, using the resulting hopelessness and desperation to establish their international, Bolshevist-concealed capitalist tyranny… A Bolshevization of the Reich would mean the liquidation of our entire intelligentsia and leadership, and the descent of our workers into Bolshevist-Jewish slavery… No one should believe that Bolshevism would stop at the borders of the Reich… Only the German Reich and its allies are in the position to resist this danger… The military challenges of the Reich in the East are at the center of everything… We feel deeply indebted to our party comrade Sauckel, who has been charged by the Führer to bring hundreds of thousands of workers to the Reich to support our national economy, something the enemy cannot do. All the leaders of the party, the army, and government join with us as well.”
The major differences are Putin talking about nuclear weapons which Germany thankfully didn’t have but Goebbels would have talken about. Putin constantly talks about nukes in order to calm his audience down. They see Russia can’t defeat a much smaller ex colony, how could they defeat NATO? Nukes are the answer.
And the most important difference - Goebbels promises total war. Which means guns not butter.
Goebbels - “I ask you: Do you want total war? If necessary, do you want a war more total and radical than anything that we can even imagine today?”
However Putin doesn’t have the fanatical loyalty of a large part, majority (?) of Germans. He needs to bribe Russians. So instead of total war, half the speech is Communist appartchik bullshit about economic plans, drives, numbers. Its full on Communist nonsense, the stuff of every dull speech. A better tomorrow. He’s just a clueless central planning appartchik as well as the greatest thief in history after the Saudi royal family. Blah blah.
As a final note, I said Goebbels was a powerful speaker while Putin is a uncharismatic goblin. Here are the last words:
Putin - “And we know that one of the funds collected over five billion rubles for the needs of the front. And this work is being conducted constantly. Companies and entrepreneurs are helping. But what’s especially touching, especially inspiring, is when people with small income are providing part of their salary or their savings to help people on the frontline. This support to our military, this support to the refugees is very important. Thank you for this support. We cannot overestimate the support. Russia will respond to any challenges because we are all a single country. We are one big united people. We are confident in our power. Truth is with us. Thank you.”
Goebbels - “The great crises and upsets of national life show who the true men and women are. We have no right any longer to speak of the weaker sex, for both sexes are displaying the same determination and spiritual strength. The nation is ready for anything. The Führer has commanded, and we will follow him. In this hour of national reflection and contemplation, we believe firmly and unshakably in victory. We see it before us, we need only reach for it. We must resolve to subordinate everything to it. That is the duty of the hour. Let the slogan be:
Now, people rise up and let the storm break loose!”
PS Update 24 May 2023
Russian Nazis attack Belgorod under direct or indirect Moscow orders to frame the war as existential for Russia. What a surprise.
And nobody is questioning the narrative that these are somehow opposition fighters to Putin. Putin. The man who blew up Russians to provoke a genocide war against Chechnya to secure his power. This is nonsense on the scale of the Glewitz incident which the Nazis used to justify war with Poland.
PS Update 25 May 2023
Russian Nazis come back and hold press conference, smiling.
Prigozhin saying the same thing as Girkin.
Russia posts pictures of fake Humvees doing fake stuff.
Even the Torygraph can tell this is fake that wouldn’t fool Philips O’ Brien, but NBC repeats Russian propaganda.
Russian Nazis come back, no issues and hold press conference
The Belgorod incursion by Russian Nazis stinks to high heaven.
Like clockwork, we get Russians carrying out their version of Gleiwitz. It's a year late but Putin's an old kgb ass who messes up operations he handled better in the 2000s when he blew up his own itizens to start a war to consolidate power.
The rodina under attack is so extensively covered in our book. Are people blind to Putin's machinations - ones we were writing up in April last year?
I even wrote about this again a two weeks ago